janvier 13, 2025


{ Info Box: }

Tectonic allows you to use 2 types of testimonials: slider or list (individual testimonial boxes).

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{ Text Block: }

Testimonial Slider


{ Testimonials. IDs: 289, 290, 291, 292. Categories: All. Type: « slider » }

{ Blank Space }

{ Info Box: }

You can configure each testimonials carousel by setting the following parameters:

  • Number – number of items to display
  • Autoplay – interval in seconds
  • Repeat Mode – go to the first slide after reaching the last one, or not
  • Order By – parameter to be used for the items to sort them by

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{ Testimonials. IDs: 292, 289, 291. Categories: « Feedback ». Type: « slider » }

{ Blank Space }

{ Text Block: }

Testimonial List: 2 Columns


{ Testimonials. IDs: 292, 293, 289, 290. Categories: All. Type: « list » }

{ Blank Space }

{ Info Box: }

You can configure each testimonial list by setting the following parameters:

  • Columns Number – determines the number of columns in layou
  • Number – number of items to display
  • Order By – parameter to be used for the items to sort them by

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{ Text Block: }

Testimonial List: 1 Column


{ Testimonials. IDs: 289, 291, 292. Categories: « Feedback ». Type: « list » }